Treat Yourself to the BEST Gift This Holiday Season

Start Eating Healthy This Holiday Season

Nicholas Kernaghan
3 min readDec 6, 2021
Photo by Ella Olsson from Pexels

In the season of giving, one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is great health. This might be something difficult for a lot of people since there are usually a lot of gatherings and irresistible food. However, I have found a few tips that can help you to make this holiday season a bit healthier for you than years before.

Here are some tips and great recipes that I have found throughout the years.

Healthy Tips

Determine your goal

I almost feel like I can’t write a post about being healthy without mentioning the obvious, eat healthy! Now, this might be easier said than done but here’s just a few things that can get you on the right path to eating healthy. The first thing you would want to do is track what you normally eat for a few days then determine what your end goal is.

  • To lose weight: Go into a calorie deficit and eat healthier foods
  • To maintain weight: Consume the recommended amount of healthier calories
  • To gain weight: Increase your calorie intake above the recommended amount but still choose to eat healthier foods

Once you have your goal figured out, follow those guidelines above and you will reach your goal.

Choose Healthier Foods

Choosing healthier foods around the holidays can be a bit more difficult especially when you are at gatherings and you are not in full control of the food but here are some key tips. Days before the gathering eat as healthy as you can so that you can afford to eat everything at the potluck. One of the most useful tips that I got from one of our Athletic Trainers at SOU is that “the less legs that the animal has, then the healthier it is for you”. Since then, I found a garlic chicken recipe that has been my go to whenever I need to make some chicken. Also, add more veggies to your recipes. There are a lot of benefits to eating veggies but they also fill you up so that you don’t feel the need to eat other unhealthy foods.

Portion Control

This last tip can be used for the holidays but as well as your everyday life as you start to eat healthier. Control your portions when you are eating. Foods are separated into three categories which are proteins, carbs, and fats. Depending on your goals, that will determine how much your intake should be for each of those categories. However a good starting point for your macros is that 45–65% of your diet should be carbs, 20–35% be fats, and 10–35% be protein.


In conclusion, these are just a few tips for you to start eating healthier this holiday season and give yourself the best gift you can possibly get yourself, a healthy lifestyle. This will also make the transition a bit easier for those of you that have new years resolutions of being healthier.

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